Monday, December 26, 2005


OK, everyone has things they want to improve, or start, or revamp, or redo, or work on, or accomplish in the New Year.

When you think of all the things you want to have come out differently, or better, than the past year....

What's FIRST on your list? What is the main thing where you want to make a new start, or put the hammer down, or put the pedal to the metal..... the thing above all things you want to make happen in the coming year?

I'm posting this point to ponder early.... while there's still 6 days before New Year's Day.

As for me.....

Let me think about it.


Nancy Toby said...

I'm still debating too!!!

*jeanne* said...

I'm thinking about it.

Choices include:

REALLY REALLY getting back to my YOGA. Not just thinking about it, but DOING it.

Taking some definite steps toward creating MY OWN theatre piece. Cabaret act, kid's piece, or Fringe Festival type material...anything that I can actually create & try to market or GIVE away. (Hey, ya gotta start somewhere...)

Getting a JOB again. I spent all my savings. I am now a dependent female. YUCK.

Getting all those PHOTOS backed up! On DISC! And OFF the hard drive! :-)