Saturday, April 18, 2009

Left Behind

(From Ellie's journal, April 8)

There was a reason i didn't go on. When I went to the spring for water I found 2 young men, one with a Bible and the other with a guitar, which he was playing barehanded in the freezing cold. They were out there (WAY out there) seeking Answers. I told them I was, too, and we talked theology until they were near hypothermic. I brought them to the shelter and made them hot tea, they signed my hiking poles, and said they'd found some of their answers in the words we'd exchanged. I told them i had, too.

Last night in the shelter we had 7 people (I was the only woman). Inside we pitched 3 tents and the other 4 slept in between and behind them, so they also had protection from the tents. Envy not, girls....

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