Saturday, January 06, 2007


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting the upper 60's F, sunny, windy but incredibly warm for January. And it's not a "January thaw"..... it just hasn't gotten cold, at all, except for a cold snap right around Thanksgiving.

It's freaky. Cherry trees are blossoming 90 miles away in Washington, D.C. -- not due until April.

I have seen maple buds around here in northern Virginia. If the apple trees start blossoming here.....

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...and then freeze, as predicted will happen in the next few days.... it will be a disaster for this area's apple harvest.

We're just on a gig here, working at this campground for the winter, but I have made a couple friends, joined a running club, and I must be feeling some ties to the place, if I'm worried about the area's apple business. At our RV park here, two of the biggest weekends of the year are the Apple Blossom Festival and the Apple Harvest Festival. I guess the festivals will go on regardless of the apple status, but it just shows how important apple-growing is in this region.

So, in the beautiful weather ..... Did I go running, or biking?
No.... I went to the massage therapist.
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That sore butt muscle I complained of right before Christmas was nearly healed up, I was running again, but yesterday setting out on an hour's run I tripped, causing me to take a flying leap and land hard on the foot on the gimpy side, jamming my hip into itself..... egad, I saw stars. Hopped around a little on the other foot deciding whether I'd need to call some wheels to get home. Ended up limping it.... I was only half a mile out.

So today I went for my second visit to the massage therapist. Wow.... big difference right away. I'm not going to run for a few days but boy is it ever loosened up. Wow. My husband would like me to go to a PT because our insurance covers it, but gee, if this girl is doing me so much good per treatment.... shucks, I'll keep on paying her. She said today I'm a lot looser than I was 3 days ago, despite being re-injured in the meantime.

In the mail during the past week, as my injury waxes and wanes, have been coming books.

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Daniels' Running Formula.... whew, heavy going. Great method but I'm not sure I'm up to the math. Hey, Sheila.... tell me I can figure this out, OK?

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Joe Henderson's "Marathon Training: A 100-Day Program to Your Best Race" hmmm, easy going. Basically a training log with helpful hints and a skeleton program that you fill in yourself. Less than I wanted. (Not sure when to start the 100 days, either, with a bum bum.)

Ooh, ooh, my husband just brought in the mail.... OOOH!
Jeff Galloway's "Running Until You're 100!!"

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Now, THAT may be just what I need.... maybe I can't run today, or tomorrow, but at 55 I'd sure like to think I'll be running another 45 years.....


Kewl Nitrox said...

Cool books, I would LOVE to keep running till 100 too. :)

Massages are great. They speed up recovery and get us back out there sooner.

Vickie said...

Lots of good reading ahead while you heal. I have had the same problem before (actually, what injury haven't I experienced??), then just as its getting better, trip like you did and pull it again. Ouch, I know how much that hurts, but resting a few days will certainly help it heal faster. Resting meaning not necessarily on your butt, but being careful not to overuse that muscle.

Dawn - Pink Chick Tris said...

I wish it was in the 60s up here. Its supposed to drop back to -20C by Wed/Thurs