Saturday, June 17, 2006

Updates to my sidebar info

Nothing earth-shaking.... just added Kentucky to my map of Marathon States Completed; added recent mileage to my Fantasy Training maps, where my run has now taken me into North Carolina, and my bike trip has progressed almost halfway across Utah on U.S. Highway 50. At 1023 miles I'm only a third of the way across the country, and nearly half the year has gone by. It's not looking too good to traverse the 1100 miles from Deep Creek Lake, MD, to Panama City Beach, FL, by November 4 either, with only 335.9 miles down.

Adding mileage to those treks is going to be sluggish for another week as I'm on scheduled marathon recovery with NO running, and easy biking. And swimming. I should start a Swim Fantasy Route. 12.1 miles this year is more than halfway across the English Channel.

My ride to my mom's house and back, day before yesterday, took my biking for 2006 over 1000 miles. I go once a week and spend about 4 hours cleaning. I've got several cupboards done and one junk room about 2/3 done, and all her dead/dying/languishing houseplants thinned out and planted into a few easy-to-manage planters and hanging baskets. In the room I cleaned Thursday, the carpeted floor was too much of a job for the vacuum cleaner. I swept it well, then sprinkled most of a box of Carpet Fresh on it, which I will let fester until next Thursday when I'll vacuum it up.

I am really tired, folks. The last two weeks have been sapped by my new job, easy and fun though it is, and my marathon and the 5.5-hr drive both ways. Not that anyone forced me to do that, but I'm recovering a lot more slowly than usual, probably because of the new job.

Don't pay attention to my whining. I'm going to bed now!


Vickie said...

Ellie, give yourself a break. You do way more than most people do, on top of the training. Give yourself time to recover so you won't be sorry later.

Kewl Nitrox said...

pftkdpn"over 1000 miles"! Where's the champagne? :)

I feel for your lost of the mircowave. Not sure my wife can even cook without it, but let's keep that comment to ourselves. ;)

Rachel said...

That's cool. It'd be neat to race in every state.