Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I should have taken the picture while it was still bleeding.

Ultimately the cause was biking in sandals instead of my bike shoes. You read right. We were lazing around in beach chairs at 5:30p.m. and Steve suddenly said, "Want to go for a short bike ride before it gets dark?" It gets dark at 6. He was already halfway onto his bike. This was an unusual invitation and if I took time to change shoes (a) he'd be gone and (b) I'd be a geeky jock for needing bike shoes for a casual ride around the park.

My whole leg reach, pedal stroke and therefore my balance were majorly affected. Out of habit, I'd go to pull up or push back on the pedal, and my sandal would fall off. I made it till the very end, where we had to walk the bikes in through a narrow space in a gate. Re-mounting, I lost my balance, compensated with a body lean, and hugged the chain ring with my calf.

But it was a really nice ride, strolling easy in the deepening dusk and cooling air and wafting breeze. I hope we go again. But I'll wear my bike shoes.


Nancy Toby said...

Um, you used your regular clipless pedals? So why not the shoes that actually go with them?

Well, maybe it will make a cool scar... I have a scar that closely resembles it.

Ellie Hamilton said...

Right, I didn't take time to put them on. Just hopped on the bike in the sandals I was wearing.

Born To Endure said...

That would be a scar I am proud of..:-))

Recovering Alumni said...


PuddyRat said...

Ow! Looks painful, but I understand your desire, when asked, to just hop on and go. Next time, though, you might say, "30 seconds," and throw your shoes on sans socks. For a short ride, it won't hurt to go sockless (heck, sometimes it doesn't hurt for a long ride, but you get my point).

Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

Ouch owie ouch ouch. That's gonna leave a mark!

Ellie Hamilton said...

Puddyrat gave me an idea. Today when I biked out to take the photo of the Crappie Picnic area, I wore no sox, just to see. Hey, not bad. I may just try (tri) this...

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Sorry to hear about the injury, but at least the pattern is nice.

I accidentally laid my arm against the soleplate of a hot iron once and got a second degree burn punctuated with perfect little circles of unburnt skin. Your bike injury sort of reminds me of this--very decorative.

Ellie Hamilton said...

Reminds me of those scar patterns some African tribespeople carve on their faces :-)