Sunday, January 06, 2008


Hmmm. My very dear good friend Nancy has posted about an interesting challenge at her blog today. She didn't originate the project; she's passing on the links to join in.

The challenge is to prove the existence of God. Or of any kind of supernatural and/or paranormal entities or powers.

I'm not getting in on the action, because I can't prove the existence of God, although I believe with all my heart.

The point I want to make is, neither can anyone absolutely prove He does not. This is why I don't believe in atheism. I don't believe anyone can be truly an atheist because no one can say with absolute certainty that there is no God, knowing without doubt that they are right.

The most anyone can claim is agnosticism.... uncertainty as to the existence of God.

Because it can't be proven. Either way.


Nancy Toby said...

And the challenge is specifically NOT to prove the existence of God. But if you could reliably demonstrate any of His supposed supernatural powers - YOU CHOOSE! - or even Satan's power, for that matter - then you could win $1 million!!

Anonymous said...

Great post, Ellie. Guess that's why it's called "faith." Belief in what can't be proven. Can't "prove" someone loves their spouse, or their kids, but we can still know it. Some people never will get it.

Shawn said...

I disagree with "anonymous." You absolutely CAN prove that you love your family: by the way that you treat them. And if you're crappy and hateful to them, then that proves that you DON'T love them.

I guess some people never WILL get it...

Love ya, El ;)

Anonymous said...

That's the most ridiculous "proof" I've ever heard. I can be nice to people I don't like all day long. I can have a bad day and be crappy to my family. To cite those examples as "proof" is taking the words completely out of context. Check your definitions next time. Things are not proven by a few observations.

Carlene said...

Sorry anonymous... but if you are nice to strangers and crappy to your family than that proves to me that you are two-faced and shallow. That is the signature behavior of a USER. Yes, people do have bad days. But using them as an excuse to treat people badly is lame. We are judged based on the sum of our actions. A person who is seriously ill who is bitchy is still a bitch. Kinda makes it hard to support them too.

Shawn said...

I'm going to have to disagree with you yet again, "anonymous." A bad day once in a while is one thing (although I think most of us try not to take it out on our spouses and children,) but if you're consistently nasty and hateful to your family and "loved" ones, it seems to me there are deeper issues there.

When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.

Sorry if I struck a nerve.

Anonymous said...

You flatter yourself (obviously) if you think you struck a nerve. Neither of you can tell the differences between opinions and fact, and proving something requires facts, not nasty comments and opinions. Real scientists understand this.

Carlene said...

If you hurt someones feelings. There is no 'proof' that you have injured them. (Well, maybe a tear or two, but that is not a given.) But the fact is you have. And the hurt you have caused can linger and influence that person for a long time (depending on the nature of the hurt itself).

Science is for creating new inventions out of mainly inert materials. The laws of science don't really apply to people and other living beings very well. Emotions, bioprogramming, etc make them behave in unpredictable fashion.

Which brings us back to the original contest, which will no doubt generate lots of controversy but remain $1 million of unclaimed money. Seems such a waste as there are many worthy causes out there that $1 million would really help.

Ellie Hamilton said...

This is a great comment, Carlene. And I think that with that, we'll call a halt to this. We've gotten way off the original topic; it's gotten personal. That's not what I want here. I apologize to anyone who's been offended.

The first law of physics states that matter can neither be created nor destroyed, but only changed in form. I believe beneficial new inventions are God sharing His wisdom with humans to put existing materials together in new ways that can better humanity and the earth, ultimately bringing this world closer to the Kingdom.

Comments on this thought are invited!

Shawn said...

You sound like a very angry person, "anonymous." Wanna hug it out?

Anonymous said...

I thought Ellie's suggestion was best, Shawn. Did you have a problem with that?