Saturday, November 17, 2007


If you ride your bike on roads, and who doesn't, then you have got to look at this site. Good. Better. Best. Excellent. Superlative. You gotta read this stuff, honest.

I came upon it trying to find a bikeable way to get to my new job in Austin, TX (yeah, Austin, I'm so out of date on my blog you didn't even know I was here, did you?)

So, yeah, we're in Austin for the winter, work-camping. In addition to the 8 hours a week I have to put in as my contribution to our free campsite, wi-fi and cable TV, I have taken a job at a daycare center 16 miles away, 28 hours a week. I love the little kids and enjoy the other caregivers. But Steve also just got an outside job, and our schedules are going to conflict. I either take him to work, go to work myself, then go back to pick him up afterwards, or I bike to work, he drives, and picks me up when he's done (half the mileage on our 3/4-ton diesel truck.)

So I'm about to become an urban biker. Who would have thought.


Tammy said...

OMG!!! AUSTIN?!?!?! That's where I'm hoping to be next fall. If I ever get off my ass and study for the GRE, then TAKE the GRE, than apply to UT Austin and get an assistanceship. IF all that happens, I'll be in Austin next fall. LOL.

Big hugs! Happy Turkey day!!! :))

UltraMamaC said...

Austin is probably the most bicycle-friendly spot in Texas, as far as daily commuting goes, so you got lucky there.

I will be in Austin sometime very soon for something, I'm sure of it. The meet-up WILL happen, oh, yes it will!!

Cliff said...

Thanks for the link. I can say, drivers don't see me when I ride. Numerous times I almost got hit head on when an opposite car try to make a left turn and I am going straight.

ShirleyPerly said...

My sister, who has lived in the Austin area for a while, says Austin is not as bike-friendly as one may think. It's still Texas with its share of drivers who think cyclists should be run off the road, etc. So be safe and don't assume.

Hope you had a good Thanksgiving!